Studio artist instructors bring a unique perspective to the classroom, where they demonstrate techniques and materials to students and introduce new vocabulary, working collaboratively with teachers and members of your instructional team to help them integrate art and academics.
Our visual arts curriculum for learners as young as age two and through high school is based on decades of research and practice by the Studio in a School Association. Working closely with your organization’s leaders, we will develop and implement a customized program that complements other Studio programming or provides standalone arts-focused professional learning.
Studio’s Professional Learning workshops provide teachers with opportunities to:
Discover the joys of the creative process
Support the development of young learners in making connections between play, curriculum, and creative discoveries in art making
Understand how visual arts instruction can help promote accessibility and support inclusive learning environments
Bring the language, curriculum concepts, and techniques of visual arts into their classrooms.
To learn more about Professional Learning options for your school or organization …
Contact Leslie Capello, Executive Vice President at:

Creativity brings out the best in kids! Even the children who are English language learners get excited
[about art class] because they are able to understand and participate.
Teacher participating in Studio Institute professional learning workshop